Monday, April 11, 2011


  As you may have noticed I haven't blogged for awhile.  I have been staring down a mountain of paperwork, and no matter what face I pull at it,  or how mean I look. - I cross my eyes, I stick out my tongue,-  It wont go away.  In fact its like the seven headed hydra - you cut one off and another two grow in its place.  The more I stare the bigger it grows, and grows AND GROWS!! you may say, "well just get in and do it " .. Sound advice indeed! ..And I wish I could embrace it, love it, nurturer it .  clean it up and present it to the tax man as a shining example of what a small business should look like, but the truth is far different, I have an unnatural aversion to paper work.. I will willingly clean cupboards,  do housework, the ironing -- anything to get out of doing the books.  I feel as guilty as a child dragging her feet into the classroom to tell the teacher that the dog ate her homework ...knowing full well that its still sitting alongside the modal Popsicle stick house she spent the whole weekend making ..

I am not lazy, I work hard and the employment I have created for myself is labour intensive.  As a one person operation I manufacture and then hire the goods I have produced ..having been hired they then have to be cleaned ..and sometimes repaired ..  If I am brutally honest I could, perhaps find some time to do some of the paperwork, if it were not for the phobia and the lack of concentration that happens when I sit down to do it .. My mind turns to jelly my eyes glaze over, I start looking for something important to do ..which brings me to this --------->>

Found on a main road in the waning peak hour traffic,  a neon yellow 1960s Parker chair ...thrown out for the council to collect .  surely this piece of iconic  Australian furniture needs a savior !!
 I have never done anything as modern as this chair and when I got it back to the store I realized I would have to take it apart to restore it ...I was worried that once I pulled it apart I may have trouble putting it back together again ..what a challenge !

It was touch and go there for awhile but it did go back together......I just needed longer arms to hold it and screw the screws in ...

After some consideration I decided to change a few thing about this chair - I tailored the shoulder  and added an extra button.  It gave the chair a stronger, cleaner profile , something I think will come into fashion in the near future.  With turmoil and disaster comes the desire to nurture and find comfort and that is often reflected in fashion ...Lets see if I'm right and there is a move away from the flighty, frail and pale.

I have successfully put off doing "my homework" again! and the pile grows ever bigger... I wonder if there is therapy for this condition  or is it chronic and so has no cure ..I will die, suffocated by a enormous mountain of paper ...ooh dear!!!  I think I have just brought on a panic attack and need to go breath into a paper bag...  till next time ........