Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Learning from the past ..

         its been a month now since I found out I had stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and I have more or less settled into a routine of trying to make the unwelcome intruder as uncomfortable as possible ..I have spent a lot of time on the Internet combing through every thing I can find on cancer ..all types of cancer and by and large they  all act much the same, and they can all be killed off  .. the idea is to win the fight without doing irreversible damage to yourself in the interim ...
      I  have now got myself another naturopath .. not that I'm giving up the old one. I figger that fighting this on many fronts is better than one .. you look at it as the enemy it is and you arm yourself with every thing you can .. So the many different approach strategy  is what I'm going for.. One approach, The Budwig protocol works on fixing the problem by turning the cancer cells back into normal cells.   There are a couple of protocols that use this approach.   Its kinder on the liver as there is less dead cells to clean up, but it takes longer to do, and I'm a bit time poor to wait for that one to make a big difference on its own.   Part of that protocol is the diet ..very important.   The diet starves the cancer of sugar so if it has nothing to eat it will start to know its not welcome and weaken,  then it has two options turn to the good side or die!.. the diet,  along with vitamins, minerals, herbal mixtures and various teas support  the immune system .. They're your foot soldiers going in there to scavenge any stray cancer cells and pick away at the now weakened beast.  We then give it a whallop over its  hypothetical head with mega doses of vitamin C.. because the cancer cell cannot distinguish between  glucose and vitamin C it eats up the Vitamin C thinking its glucose (and thinks it will now get its strength back) only to find  a chemical reaction happens and hydrogen-peroxide is produced and poisons the cancer cell. sneaky !! .. So killing the cancer cells is the second approach.   Again its important not to do this too quickly... quick enough so the cancer tumour reduces before I die but not so quick that an overload is caused and the poor old liver ..itself compromised, can't do the work to clean out all the garbage and it collapses under the weight of all that work ...
   Then up from the rear the next protocol is Life one ..another hard hitter so I'm told.  It hasn't arrived yet.  I should have it by next week.  So I will post the results in the next post.  It puts the immune system into overdrive, beefs it up like soldiers on steroids  and blocks the cancer from reproducing, so it can't get any bigger ..and that in turn gives the other things time to do their stuff ...I've also thrown a little B17 at it in the form of apricot seeds and a little DMSO to find the path to the cancer cells and smooth talk them into lowering their defences ..
This is the Library of Celsus at Ephesus. Its has been around since the second century AD... A library that big had to have had some amazing medical information.  Its unrealistic to believe they had the talent to build this but couldn't set a leg or cure a cold or even heal people of cancer .....
    Its all a little more complicated than that.  It always is, but that's the nuts and bolts of it and I do have a few other things up my sleeve if these are too slow..I know most people, friends and family included that think I have lost my mind to go down this strange alternative path and not give allopathic medicine first hit.       Every thing I have read that has made sense to me, is the body will fix itself given enough time and the right tools.. I would have liked to have known about this a little earlier but I think if I  keep myself healthy and work at this I'll have the time,  and my body has been good to me in the past .. I've just let it down over the past couple of years .. not treating it right , not managing the stress levels  .. eating on the run... looking out (for others) rather than looking in ...if nothing else I will have to learn to spend time looking after the most valuable asset I have ... and then in turn look after others .. a little like when in a plane, they always tell you to put the oxygen  mask on yourself first  .. you can't help anyone if you've passed out!!
The concept of non slip is not new .. A two and a half thousand year old non slip took longer to do but I'm sure it worked just fine ... 
They didn't have bombs so they built walls !
    Given that none of these treatments are covered by my health insurance I may end up so poor inner contemplation may be my only entertainment. Its a good thing I love reading..   I have to say that if this had happened twenty years ago I would not have had at my fingertips the enormous amount of research that is available on the internet ..Sure there is a lot of useless information out there but there is more than enough good information.. I have never been one to take a Doctor at his word, I ask a lot of questions .. Some don't like that, others are OK about it and humour me .. I have always asked if there is any other way .. over the years if I had taken Doctors advice I would have a pacemaker. ( an arrhythmia brought on by the stress of nursing my mother through five years of pre and post heart transplant surgery, once the emotional pain and stress  had lifted so the arrhythmia slowed). An operation on a pinched nerve that fixed itself ( when I stopped using the staple gun for long periods at a time ).. Cholesterol meds and a hundred different other medications I didn't really need .. I'm now very happy I made the pact years ago not to take pain medication or any other medication unless really needed and thankfully I have never been in an emergency situation where I haven't had time to review and look at other options ..  I believe the slower approach is the right one .. I believe there is great advances coming in the field of cancer treatment and two australians are working hard on that. Doing the first human trials now, hopefully they will continue to get funding ....