Monday, May 23, 2011

A signature chair

                                A signature 
Usually refers to the often illegible squiggle we apply to documents to identify us as agreeing to whatever it is we're signing, but a signature can be other things as well.  A special way we wear our clothes or hair. A badge, a brand, a shield, an identification by style or design.
  A signature style has now moved on from a drawn scrawl or a favourite, always worn jacket into the realm of living space.  Thankfully we Australians are moving away from the slavish devotion of one foreign style and starting to embrace our own individual one  There are still those out there who live in a world of monochromatic grey and a fracofile devotion to the French provincial  and its still possible to see ivy burdened homes of rendered Tuscan mustard. A reminder of the 80s  passion for Tuscan villas.  We have also whitewashed our rendered facards and adorned them with romanesqued pillars, in a bid to connect with, what stylists have lead us to believe is superior European style. 

This now lives in a very modern room 

 Some photos of a few different styles I have done  and where they are living now 

 Australians by and large are an outdoorsy happy bunch from diverse ethnicity and this is reflected in our choices and styles.  
 Instead to transporting an entire imported look into the Australian bungalow all that's needed is a hint, A flavor of the past or place infused into a personal space. 
This is where the signature chair or piece has a place. With the style colour and design of a single chair or fabric its possible to maintain that connection to the past or place without importing the look wholesale
I do have to get better at photos, the grey room with its bold bright print  has the sofa and carpet the same shade of grey but the tones look different in this photo ..there is still a few pieces to come before the room is finished

The red room looks a little heavy but that is because the white walls are not seen in the photo, this is just one corner of the room with native artifacts.

All the chairs, the ottoman, the wall frames and cushions were done by me ..none were bought  commercially ...(other than the grey sofa ) all the arm chairs were found on the street or in garage sales ...


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