Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Learning from the past ..

         its been a month now since I found out I had stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and I have more or less settled into a routine of trying to make the unwelcome intruder as uncomfortable as possible ..I have spent a lot of time on the Internet combing through every thing I can find on cancer ..all types of cancer and by and large they  all act much the same, and they can all be killed off  .. the idea is to win the fight without doing irreversible damage to yourself in the interim ...
      I  have now got myself another naturopath .. not that I'm giving up the old one. I figger that fighting this on many fronts is better than one .. you look at it as the enemy it is and you arm yourself with every thing you can .. So the many different approach strategy  is what I'm going for.. One approach, The Budwig protocol works on fixing the problem by turning the cancer cells back into normal cells.   There are a couple of protocols that use this approach.   Its kinder on the liver as there is less dead cells to clean up, but it takes longer to do, and I'm a bit time poor to wait for that one to make a big difference on its own.   Part of that protocol is the diet ..very important.   The diet starves the cancer of sugar so if it has nothing to eat it will start to know its not welcome and weaken,  then it has two options turn to the good side or die!.. the diet,  along with vitamins, minerals, herbal mixtures and various teas support  the immune system .. They're your foot soldiers going in there to scavenge any stray cancer cells and pick away at the now weakened beast.  We then give it a whallop over its  hypothetical head with mega doses of vitamin C.. because the cancer cell cannot distinguish between  glucose and vitamin C it eats up the Vitamin C thinking its glucose (and thinks it will now get its strength back) only to find  a chemical reaction happens and hydrogen-peroxide is produced and poisons the cancer cell. sneaky !! .. So killing the cancer cells is the second approach.   Again its important not to do this too quickly... quick enough so the cancer tumour reduces before I die but not so quick that an overload is caused and the poor old liver ..itself compromised, can't do the work to clean out all the garbage and it collapses under the weight of all that work ...
   Then up from the rear the next protocol is Life one ..another hard hitter so I'm told.  It hasn't arrived yet.  I should have it by next week.  So I will post the results in the next post.  It puts the immune system into overdrive, beefs it up like soldiers on steroids  and blocks the cancer from reproducing, so it can't get any bigger ..and that in turn gives the other things time to do their stuff ...I've also thrown a little B17 at it in the form of apricot seeds and a little DMSO to find the path to the cancer cells and smooth talk them into lowering their defences ..
This is the Library of Celsus at Ephesus. Its has been around since the second century AD... A library that big had to have had some amazing medical information.  Its unrealistic to believe they had the talent to build this but couldn't set a leg or cure a cold or even heal people of cancer .....
    Its all a little more complicated than that.  It always is, but that's the nuts and bolts of it and I do have a few other things up my sleeve if these are too slow..I know most people, friends and family included that think I have lost my mind to go down this strange alternative path and not give allopathic medicine first hit.       Every thing I have read that has made sense to me, is the body will fix itself given enough time and the right tools.. I would have liked to have known about this a little earlier but I think if I  keep myself healthy and work at this I'll have the time,  and my body has been good to me in the past .. I've just let it down over the past couple of years .. not treating it right , not managing the stress levels  .. eating on the run... looking out (for others) rather than looking in ...if nothing else I will have to learn to spend time looking after the most valuable asset I have ... and then in turn look after others .. a little like when in a plane, they always tell you to put the oxygen  mask on yourself first  .. you can't help anyone if you've passed out!!
The concept of non slip is not new .. A two and a half thousand year old non slip took longer to do but I'm sure it worked just fine ... 
They didn't have bombs so they built walls !
    Given that none of these treatments are covered by my health insurance I may end up so poor inner contemplation may be my only entertainment. Its a good thing I love reading..   I have to say that if this had happened twenty years ago I would not have had at my fingertips the enormous amount of research that is available on the internet ..Sure there is a lot of useless information out there but there is more than enough good information.. I have never been one to take a Doctor at his word, I ask a lot of questions .. Some don't like that, others are OK about it and humour me .. I have always asked if there is any other way .. over the years if I had taken Doctors advice I would have a pacemaker. ( an arrhythmia brought on by the stress of nursing my mother through five years of pre and post heart transplant surgery, once the emotional pain and stress  had lifted so the arrhythmia slowed). An operation on a pinched nerve that fixed itself ( when I stopped using the staple gun for long periods at a time ).. Cholesterol meds and a hundred different other medications I didn't really need .. I'm now very happy I made the pact years ago not to take pain medication or any other medication unless really needed and thankfully I have never been in an emergency situation where I haven't had time to review and look at other options ..  I believe the slower approach is the right one .. I believe there is great advances coming in the field of cancer treatment and two australians are working hard on that. Doing the first human trials now, hopefully they will continue to get funding ....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Overcast still......

Day Three ... was as ordinary as any other day before the news.  I went about my work as if nothing had changed much ..customers came and went ..I tidied up .. I made coffee .. I strangely felt no different .. I was planing to call my Doctor later but thought he really couldn't add any good news at this point and I had to digest what I already knew... I was surprisingly calm .
...I had made the decision to tell those close to me .. I knew I couldn't do this alone and once I told one, the news would spread.. I felt that I should tell as many close friends as possible myself so they didn't get the news second hand ...I had no tears to shed but I got upset when friends got upset...  this was a difficult thing to do,  so in the end  I asked some friends to spread the word .. I couldn't do it all ..
Just after lunch I got a call from the medical centre .. an appointment has been made for me to see the doctor..that afternoon .. you normally can't get an appointment for weeks so this must be important !.. I close the shop early.. something I'll have to do often in the next couple of weeks .. and right at the busiest time of year in my industry .....
The doctor sees me ... he goes over what has already been said and writes out a few referrals .. he makes a comment about my blood tests being unusual ..I jump right on that!   I ask for further comment .'unusual' is not necessarily bad and a little good news, even unusual news, no matter how small would be welcome .."my blood analysis is normal" .. liver function.. normal,  urea,.. normal..sodium, potassium, chloride, creatinine, eGar, ALP, and GGT and LD and the AST and ALT and a whole bunch of other letters of the alphabet were all normal..My cholesterol was a little high! ...but in the scheme of things .. really.!! does that matter..  I ask,"what does this mean?".. he tells me that if they had done a blood test .. 'they' would never have picked up the cancer and that it was unusual to see a pancreatic cancer this advanced not showing up in the blood !!..I go away thinking even to the end I have to be different ..!
I get home and look at the referrals I have been given to a surgical specialist .. and the other to a gastroenterologist!!... No oncologist?...I thought if I had cancer I would need an oncologist ....and if it was too late to operate why a surgical specialist ... now I'm confused !!.. I'm  too tired to think about it to-night .. I did ask the doctor for a prescription for sleeping pills, I had had one sleepless night and I thought I may be in for a few more ... note to doctors;..  If your going to give really bad news, offer a few hours escape in the form of sleeping pills..its not something you think about when first given the bad news..
 Its weird but I didn't need them,   I've been sleeping my usual 8 hours without trouble ..
Its lurking  in the shadows but it hasn't got me yet..
Day four and forward..  
I've  now had  just over a week to absorb this ... I found an Oncologist and asked my doctor to write and send a referral .. he thought, since I was going down the alternative route that I didn't want an Oncologist ..I didn't ask but,.. so why would I need a surgeon?.. When something like this happens you question everything .. could this have been picked up earlier .. would that have made a difference to what is happening now, would I have had more choices .. is the doctor at fault, could I have been aware of this. ..around and around in your head it goes .. so, I decided to get off that merry-go-round.   It doesn't help..
I think because I don't have many symptoms its easier to be strong ... I haven't lost any weight. I'm not jaundice .. I don't have any pain .. all these things seem to baffle the Doctors .. including the oncologist that I saw on Wednesday .. not my best day so far.. He gave me this little book to read . along the lines of 'What to Expect when your Expecting' .. but with a much more sobering outcome...I also saw the naturopath and now have on my kitchen bench enough vitamins and herbal mixtures to fix the malnutrition problems of a small hungry nation .. it takes me half an hour in the morning to work out what I have to take that day ... its a job in itself.. along with that I can no longer eat any thing worth eating ..the naturopath is a sober, humourless Frenchman with a slight masochistic bent ... no coffee .. no alcohol .. no sugar.  no animal products ...he's going to starve the sucker to death and me in the process ... life may not be worth living after 6 months of this!! .. either that or I'll get inventive and very good at vegan cooking ...I'm sure I'll learn to love it ..

Monday, October 17, 2011


A bleak day a very bleak day
....Day one.....(Tues 11/10/11)  I have always been a positive person.  The glass is half full type and slow to anger.. in fact I rarely get angry at anything ..I will have heated moments when discussing politics or the environment.  In movies I'm the best of customers, I laugh when its funny and I cry when its sad, I hide my face in fear when the monster appears ...I'm never ill ..but a little accident prone, I'll get a pinched nerve but never a cold..I have a record of the longest person I know to go without antibiotics last antibiotic was taken in 1974..and I have had 2 surgery procedures without taking any, something you have to get heated about with your doctors and sign lots of forms ..Apart from a failed business adventure with my brother life has had its normal ups and downs  ..I try to take most things in my stride, do the best with what I've got what went wrong ..

Longevity runs on both sides of the family particularly on the female I was not at all worried when I went to see my doctor about an upset stomach ..I thought I had a stomach ulcer, the result of the seven years of torment owning a country pub....I couldn't get in to see my regular doctor and as it was a minor thing I agreed to see the 'on call' doctor.  Who I might add looked as if he was 14 years old!..
He did a bit of prodding and took my temp and blood pressure, (something my GP hasn't done in a long time) and said he would like to see an ultrasound just to be sure of what we are dealing with ..I mention that my regular Dr. thought I had a duodenal ulcer at a previous consult about a year ago,  but hadn't asked that any tests be done .....I often wait until I have a shopping list of complaints.. a pinched nerve , a few spots on my leg ..a mole to be removed the reflux I complained about was dismissed as a duodenal ulcer and since the discomfort came and went I put it down to what I had eaten ..This complaint though was a constant fullness, not really a pain, a feeling like I had eaten too much and was uncomfortable ..I had it for about two weeks before taking myself to the doctor and I couldn't wait to collect a shopping list of complaints ..I had nothing else wrong with me ...
After the ultrasound was done I waited around for the results as I didn't want the bother of coming back to collect them the next day ( here in Australia they want you to take your slides home so the medical centre doesn't have to waste space storing them )..I have an inquisitive nature so that little sticker that says 'Please open in the company of your Doctor '..had no hope ..on the way to the car I took out the report and started reading ..bla.. bla.. bla.bla.. Primary pancreatic neoplasm? ..bla.. bla. Liver metastases...b..l..a.   B..l..a...  B...l ........a
 CT scan abdomen and pelvis is suggested for further imaging assessment....WTF....

I had enough medical knowledge to know what this meant and my knees knew it too ..I stood on the steps outside the imaging centre not quite sure if I should, walk on ..sit down ..stay !! I decide not to panic I would return home and look it up on the internet to make sure.  It could be a benign tumour ..and I'm fussing for nothing ..So I return home and scan the internet and the more I looked the worse it was I ring my normal Dr and ask to see him ..he makes time to see me on short notice ..given the circumstances so he should! ..he confirms and regurgitates what is written on the imaging report !!..I had already done that ..but he also suggests that a confirming CT is done to make sure that it hasn't migrated any where else ..does it matter, its in my friggin pancreas and liver isn't that enough ..and just a week after Steve Jobs has pasted away.. If he couldn't fight it with all his money and connections what chance have I got...I go home ..I have to ring the imaging centre tomorrow morning to make the appointment ..I have a long night ahead..
Its going to be a long bumpy trip....but there is light

The thing is I can't remember much about the night ..there was a hole where my brain was ..I couldn't hold a thought ..I stood in the one spot for I think hours ..trying to force thoughts into my head ..what do I do now ..what do I do tomorrow long have I got .. what can I do ..eventually I move ..I go to the computer and I look up every site I can find on the subject of pancreatic cancer ..and I don't find any thing good ..I'm Fu.ked as they say...and I'm pissed off .. I had plans ..I was going to live a long life.. I had a million books I haven't read ..a lot of places I still want to see ... morning comes..

Day Two.... I don't open the shop to-day I made an early appointment to have the CT scan done and I ring a friend to come with me .. I tell her the news and she cancels her work appointments to drive me.  The scan is done and we drive over to see my lawyer ..I'm not rushing back to the Drs just yet .. I have already looked at the report and it confirms the previous days results ..with no new sights! ...I can be thankful for small mercies ...I go over some of the legal stuff with my lawyer as if I'm leaving the next day and I panic about making sure everything is OK for all .. that I don't leave a mess behind for someone  else to clean up ..My lawyers wife is also a good friend so she has to be told ..we drive to her workplace and we give her the news ..there's tears .. and hugs and more tears .. and the strange thing is I didn't cry until I had to tell someone .. and their tears made me cry...we leave and drive the long hour back to the shop friend drops me off not wanting to leave me alone but at some time I have to face this alone ... I see my landlord who has a business just across the street and I think 'its got to be done' so I call him to come over .. once the shock is over and talking resumes he and the friends I have made next door ask if they can take me to dinner .. yes!.. I hadn't been able to eat all day and still didn't but what the hell I don't know what else Im going to do we go out and they ply me with alcohol at least I'll be able to sleep .. The doctor did not think to offer me sleeping pills ..The evening was promising, I was able to divert my attention away from my inner thoughts for longer and longer periods .. I was able to engage .. something I wasn't doing all day ..when I got home it was only about 8.30pm but I was tired so I thought I would try to sleep ...I dropped off until midnight .. I woke up thinking that was it I'll be awake now for the rest of the night I open my iPad and start looking for success stories ..I was tired of hearing the bad ..I wanted some good news in this fog and dreariness ...and I did find some .. but all of it in the alternative therapies sites. A few successes.more than I thought there would be,  people who had taken control and won, I'm sure there are failures too but I wanted to hear the stories of the ones the fought the good fight and came out with a after a few hours of reading testimonials of people who had put there trust in nature and won ..I put down my iPad and I said to myself ..if your going to have a chance, then this is it .....its all thats on offer, conventional medicine will not work with what I have. they would play lip service and pump me full of toxins to make me believe that something was being done ..A lifetime of avoiding pharmaceutical and in the end I let them pump me full of them? I don't think so !!!1....I went back to bed and slept knowing I had a direction ...

This is me taken  about 2weeks ago

I'm going to keep this blog going and I will continue with my furniture and projects this is not going to be doom and gloom this is going to be a life ....

Monday, September 12, 2011

From Artisan to Art...

Step 1- Strip the chair

       Its again been a few months since I tapped out my last post.  I have been trying to stay on topic but  my frustration with the lack of respect for an artisans' work keeps crossing my path and I'll continue to fall over it until I say something..

      I have been trying to get signatures for a petition to get the Government to set aside the old Parramatta gaol for a second campus of the NSW art gallery.  I wrote about it back in May and in the mean time I have sent copies of that post to, what I thought would be interested parties, meaning people in departments who have some say about the arts in one form or another.  I got little or no response, so I decided to ask the general public what they would want, and if they would support the idea of an art gallery in the old gaol.  Of the hundreds of signatures in only a few days I have only had one objection and He thought more race car venues is what the west needs ..which underscores my point that we need to strengthen and advance the knowledge of art and artisans to as many people as we can.

Step 2-  Replace the springs
Its not enough that we leave the introduction to the arts to be experienced on the internet, as one, sageless politician suggested  (re the new rollout of the broadband network ) I think most people understand the importance of art in our society and the need to experience it in person. To stand in the hallowed halls of the Louvre in Paris and soak up the light and smell and sounds of the place could never be reproduced by a virtual tour of a gallery over a broadband network I'm sorry Simon ..not good enough!! and while we can't bring the Louvre to Parramatta, we could have a place secure enough that at some time, the art in the Louvre may come on tour and we can ask that the privileges of the city be shared with some of the rest of us out west ..We have at our doorstep a venue that lends itself to being equal to the Sydney Art gallery site.  The building is historical to not only Parramatta but to the whole of Australia as its Australia's oldest prison, built in 1842.

Step 4- Prepare for stuffing 
Step3- Tie in the springs 
        The surrounding area of the prison is the old Cumberland hospital ..another area full of historical buildings that are under-utilised and would make an enormous contribution to the area .. and this is were the artisan connection comes in, if the area was dedicated to the arts as a true 'Arts precient' then a good part of the old hospital grounds could be dedicated to the teaching of the crafts that we are losing to the modern factory standard ..Artisan work takes time and effort , and I think if people of all ages were shown what goes into a piece of hand made labour they would perhaps be more inclined to pay for that work to be done and buy a quality piece of whatever it is they want, than to buy cheap imported, low quality products that are only going to end up in land fill in a short time..
The importance of value often has to be shown or taught ..

Step 5- stuff with pure unbleached cotton 
 A quality product, once owned, kept and restored, re-polished , reupholstered and relived by future generations ..that! is the importance of recycling ..falling in love with beautiful hand made products over and over again and never losing them to the sidewalk or landfill.
 As raw materials become rare, then employment opportunities must come from recycling and that doesn't mean always breaking down the material to remake another product can mean restoring and reusing an already existing product ..One of the benefits of a restored piece of furniture is the lack of toxic chemicals that are often used to treat imported goods can see what is going on inside can have a say as to the products used ..all this helps to rid the environment of unwanted chemicals

Step 6- cover with cotton calico
This chair ( one of four ) that I have pictured here is nearly as old as the gaol,  1850 or there abouts .. its difficult to know for sure what the wood is as its been ebonized ( blackened ) but the whole suite has been hand carved .. The hours of craftsmanship, the beauty of form and elegance of style.  All that labour was discarded because the fabric in the seats was outdated and the springs gone .. yes it takes time and effort to restore something beautiful but well worth it ..We as a society may never have the time to produce these works of art again and that is why it is so important to teach the next generation how to restore and reuse them

For those that read my blog and agree with me I would like to invite you to sign my petition to do some thing about it and the start  is to get the Government to set aside the old Parramatta goal as a second campus of the NSW art gallery and I believe that will start the ball rolling in the development of the whole site, into something we could all be proud of.
Go to ..GoPetition .. click on ..A second campus of the NSW art gallery for Parramatta .. and follow the prompts .. and thank you ..
Step 7-pull tight 
Step  8- cover with fabric and finish with piping 

  A list of some of the artisan crafts we lose to modern wasteful production ..
french polishing
fine furniture making
rug making
Forging, Weaving,  Lapidary, Stained Glass, Toy making , Candle making ...this is but a few of the crafts we could be passing on to the next generation .. most of who don't even know they exist ....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dish up the Australian Aboriginal......

   I never know how to start a new post,  I come up with a topic,  the meat of the dish so to speak and I have a few interesting side dishes and other morsels  I've scrounged as well,  but how to present it so it looks digestible and appetizing,
When the meat in your dish continue the metaphor ..involves aboriginal Australians there is always the possibility that the dish is going to look unpalatable before a bite is taken ...So I'm just going to throw this dish together as it came to me, it is what it is, ....swallow or choke...
  It starts with a conversation with a regular customer.. I'll call him Bill,  Bills' personality is a mixture of racism, Protectionism, Irish Catholic family values and right wing Liberal politics.   He and I rarely see eye to eye...  but the banter is always well behaved and kept reasonably civil.  For all his disturbing traits he is still a nice man, a devoted father and husband.
  Bill is an early customer so when he arrives to get something off his chest it often sets the theme for the rest of the  day... and to-day, the starting topic was " One law for all ".   Its one of the few topics we agree on with only  the fine print being in dispute.   For me the fine print deals with the indigenous Australian tribal courts.   I have always thought that some flexibility is needed when dealing with the first Australians.  Something I wouldn't necessarily extend to later guests.   While I feel we have a right to  impose the, my house my rules to anyone coming into the house from the outside, its not possible to say that to the person who owned the house before you and still lives there ...

 Later in the day the  next customer that touched on the subject was a Uruguayan Australian married to a British Australian, who had never been to the bush!...and he has lived here for 30 years!!  I'm sorry, but its a shame to come and never want to leave the city ..  He knew nothing at all about Australian Aborigines.  During our conversation I asked if he could name any American Indian tribes.  Together we came up with ..The Sioux,  the Apache,  the Comanche , the Navajo, the Cheyenne and I think there is one called the Blackfeet, but don't quote me on that .  Then I asked how many Aboriginal clans he could name.  Not one!  He didn't even know there were clans or different languages,    I could only come up with three.  The Koori,( NSW)  the Anangu,(SA) and the Murri (QLD) this is pitiful!!  Most average Australians today or ever, for that matter can give you a reasonable translation of a number of Spanish or French words but not one Aboriginal word that is not named as a town or street, even then the word is known but not the meaning ...

Later in the Afternoon a friend dropped by for a chat and a hot mocca ..Our bitch for the afternoon was the lack of content and the reruns on TV and Foxtell.  Foxtell has so many reruns I could turn down the volume and  quote the scripts on most of them. I'm also so over cop shows, lawyers and hospitals as if they are the only jobs that are going to supply enough fodder for a serial.  After work while I wait to go to the pool,  I troll a few torrent sites to see what is out there,  that we are not offered on the box.  I read the synopsis of at least fifteen shows that I have not seen or even heard of .. A few looked interesting so I downloaded the pilots to have a look ..
The two that got this post moving was " Little Mosque On The Prairie" and "Off The Map" the first takes a badly made, poorly acted comedic look at the differences between a small group of Muslims living in a small country town in Canada  and the locals who know nothing about them.  If it wasn't for their low budget they could of had a hit, the ingredients were there they just didn't cook it right.  The other is an adventure medical show set in the South American jungle ( but shot in Hawaii with a drop dead gorgeous looking leading man from New Zealand ) the dialog in the show is peppered with Spanish words with no attempt  made to translate.  nothing is lost because of this , you just get to learn more Spanish words ..The show is 'Grays Anatomy' in the jungle..

I sat back after watching these shows and the gears and clogs in my brain slowly started to turn. I said to myself, honest, how many Australian Aboriginals have I met and I'm a 6th or 7th   generation Australian and I've lived in the bush ( when I was young)..I can't judge someone who arrived here 30 years ago, I been here longer than that lets see ..

When I was 14 my parents had been divorced for a few years and my mother was in a relationship with a share farmer named Joe ..We were bundled up and shipped to a new life in  Condoblin ( not the best choice of phrase as there isn't much water in Condoblin).  The Farm Joe was share farming was quite a way out of town and I remember my mother couldn't get any thing to grow it was so dry ..In Gunnedah we had a veggie garden and fruit trees and we missed them.  On one hot summer morning a young Aboriginal stock man that worked on the farm told me about some wild watermelons that were ripening in the bush, and would I come with him to collect one ( I did know his name but now can't remember it )   A hot summers day in dry Condoblin air conditioners on the farm and a forty in the shade!!... Of course I'm  coming are you mad!.  We rode for about half an hour into the scrub, me hanging on and bouncing around on the back, I never was a good rider.. I remember I had short shorts on and I could feel the sweat of the horse against my legs making it hotter.  True to his word there they were.  They had grown in the contours of a water course ( if in the event there was water to flow ) We went around taping each one to find the ripest ..We only had a choice of about 6 melons at that time but wanted the best and I could only carry one..We were ambitious and chose the largest one.   We got back on the horse and headed for home with the melon between us. There were no stirrups or  saddle on the horse so I had nothing to brace my weight against,  my friend was used to riding this way but I was not and I couldn't hold on as tightly as I did before on the ride there so the melon and I were bouncing around on the rump of this poor horse and the inevitable happened.   The watermelon slipped from my sweaty fingers and splatted on the ground, I remember we laughed and laughed at the mess but we were not going to let it go to waste so sat on a small outcrop of rocks and finished off the broken melon ..We did go back for more melons during the summer  but he and my brothers had more success than the original trip .. The strongest memory I have of him is his easy laughter and big grin

The didgeridoo ..When in Gunnedah, across the flats  from where I lived as a child was a camp or settlement of Aboriginal Australians.  Late in the afternoon you could hear the echoing sounds of the didgeridoo.   I have always loved that sound and when I lived in Newtown, an inercity suburb of Sydney I would often be late coming home from work and I would get off at Redfern station and walk home from there.   I would  hear and see the lone player siting on the end of a deserted platform in jeans and hoodie playing his tunes, I would wave and sit and listen for a while but we never met...

In the 80s, it was the thing to do. 'est' ..I think it was called, something like that, you sat in a large hall with a lot of other people and "shared" your inner thoughts and fears.  (having paid $400 for the privilege)  People who had done it thought every one should do it, and this is why I'm sitting in a large room with about 500 other people "Sharing!".. Sitting next to me is a red haired freckled aboriginal man of about 20-23 years,  who  felt he had  been conned by a friend to do this ..Andrew was a Western Australian and we somehow hit it off.   His dry humour made the two full weekends and two Tuesday nights fun ..Andrew didn't quite see things as other mixed up, paranoid, full of themselves, often self damaged spoilt people did and he had no trouble telling them so in a way that had no guile or malice..We were friends of sorts for many years ..I think I was like the mother or older sister he missed back home so he would come for advice on things from girls to clothes to condoms ..  One of my favorite memories of Andrew was him turning up at my shop on his  Harley Davidson motor bike.  He rode it right up to the door  blocking part of it.   He was wearing his 'colours'  from the bike club he belonged to.   It was a Thursday evening and the shop was full ..I was mad at him for the noise they make and the fact he was nearly in the shop so I yelled at him to move the piece of s..t out of the way..  He put on this dog-eared look of mock hurt while my customers held their breath in horror as this leather clad biker told me he had just come to show me  his new bike and please come and look..he went back to Western Australia and I haven't heard of him for over a decade

My only other close contact with an Australian Aboriginal was helping a woman choose her wedding dress.   Both her and her partner were into medieval  reenactment and wanted to have a medieval wedding, as my readers know by now I run a fancy dress costume shop and I get all sorts of requests, this is a simple one. Until she told me her whole female family were coming from Narrabri for a viewing.       I had to arrange  theatre seating  outside the change rooms so the  family, including the matriarch of the clan could  see and have input into the dress .. Her partner and future husband  was a German lad that worked in IT, and was big into second life ..I can't help thinking there has to be some comedic value seeing the in laws meet.

Now I've got to pull this dish together
All these snippets came together as an idea for a TV serial ..The only way to get the average Joe blow or blow in, to know about life in the bush and the original Australians is to bring it and them into the mainstream. Onto prime time TV and into every lounge room,  to discover about the different clans, the difference in customs  and languages and set it against the rest of us ..a bit of comedy with a bit of drama ..
My synopsis for the show would read something like this ..
A group of young mixed (meaning both boys and girls) aboriginal and white Australian bush tour guides take tourists, travelers, backpackers into the wild and untamed land ..the juxta position of different cultures sexes and ages meeting for often the first time out back Australia, and its many characters, along with all the things that could go wrong when you don't know the bush ..its not like we don't have a lot to be weary of, and the struggle of young and old aboriginal ways along with young and old ways in general.   It would do a few things, it would, could bring some Australian comedy and light drama to Australian television would bring today's aboriginal culture into the mainstream.   Instead of saying ciao or hasta la vista babe! we may have the young saying something closer to home.   The ingredients are there we just need a good cook ..and don't we have a lot of those? ...
We give a lot of air time to new arrivals who find it difficult to jump with both feet onto Australia and a lot of resources are given to building bridges for people who still have a foot on the leakey boat they came from. ..Australia could be their life raft if only they would commit to the jump ..until they do lets give less airtime to the squeaky wheels, roll up our swags, fill up our canteens and go walkabout.....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Art Gallery for Parramatta ..Please!!

 A birds eye view of the grounds of Parramatta goal..redevelopment of this site would take less resources than trying to build a new gallery..
A birds eye view of the gaol
                       These building are impressive and should be used for the good of the community

My last trip to the Art gallery of New South Wales was about two years ago. The reason I haven't been since is that it takes all day.  Living in Parramatta it takes, on a good day, an hour and a half to drive in to Sydney. It takes about fifteen minutes to find parking at the only parking station nearby and it takes another ten to fifteen minutes to walk to the entrance.  To comfortably walk around an exhibit can take one to three hours depending on the exhibit, by then you need refreshments, so you compete with all the other spectators for a place at the only restaurant to build up your strength and refresh before you tackle the long trip back home.
Sunday, the only day I have off is all but gone . I, along with the population of greater Sydney  would love to support the arts but we want them closer and I got to thinking. If Parramatta had an art Gallery where would it go.  The only logical place in my mind was to redevelopment of the old Parramatta gaol..Its perfect ..Its secure ..Its historical ...Its convict built.. Its on the river, it has development sites around it so if the government really got enthusiastic we could also have a botanical gardens. We may only get one shot at having a second campus, there is no other building that would serve as well and to build one anew would be too expensive.  It could be the jewel in the crown in Parramatta and for the west, we would no longer be thought of as the rank and file proletarian commoners to be entertained by sport, shopping malls and American pulp cinema...Its a crime that in a multicultural city like Parramatta we don't even  have a multicultural cinema..

It really is time for a second campus of the NSW art gallery and for good measure, perhaps a second campus of the museum as well ..In for a penny in for a pound I say!

  Both the art gallery and the museum have enough stock in storage, they would not have to spend a cent on permanent exhibits. I also think the present curator Edmond Capon has done such a wonderful job with the art gallery of NSW that he would make a wonderful sucesss of one in Parramatta.It would make the perfect swan song to his career.  I know some of the locals will say ..."but we are going to have the  arts precient in the old Kings school building"  ..I know this and its a wonderful idea to bring local art to a local museum ..but the gold of the Pharaohs ..van Gogh,  Dagas,  da Vinci   Monet, Rubens, Constable,  Renoir and all the other great masters  will not be exhibited at the kings school could never be secure enough...but the old prison that's another matter, if it will keep prisoners in it will keep thieves out.  If you take a walk around the old hospital grounds that surround the prison its possible to see what could be done with it.  The other side of the river that meanders past the gaol you can see Parramatta park and  old Government house.  Development of the gaol and the surrounding area would not only lift the profile of the area, it would create jobs,  education, tourism, entertainment. ( with all that we may not need a gaol.)  Its an easy bus run from the station up O'Connell st past the gaol and across to Church st. and back to the station.   I have spoken to many people about this project .. Teachers out here in the west, many who cannot get their students to the Art gallery because it takes too long would welcome it ..parents would love to expose their children to the great artists , but its not possible at all if you live west of Parramatta, its too far and too expensive. the ageing population who have been the ones to support the arts cannot travel to the city but with extra time on their hands and easy access would be constant patrons.
  I have also spoken to and written to some of our esteemed politicians, those I have contacted think its a good idea, but they wont do anything about it unless there is a ground swell of support for the idea or they can get something out of it...I want people talking about it ,discussing it ..if you like the idea lets make it a reality...                                    

Monday, May 23, 2011

A signature chair

                                A signature 
Usually refers to the often illegible squiggle we apply to documents to identify us as agreeing to whatever it is we're signing, but a signature can be other things as well.  A special way we wear our clothes or hair. A badge, a brand, a shield, an identification by style or design.
  A signature style has now moved on from a drawn scrawl or a favourite, always worn jacket into the realm of living space.  Thankfully we Australians are moving away from the slavish devotion of one foreign style and starting to embrace our own individual one  There are still those out there who live in a world of monochromatic grey and a fracofile devotion to the French provincial  and its still possible to see ivy burdened homes of rendered Tuscan mustard. A reminder of the 80s  passion for Tuscan villas.  We have also whitewashed our rendered facards and adorned them with romanesqued pillars, in a bid to connect with, what stylists have lead us to believe is superior European style. 

This now lives in a very modern room 

 Some photos of a few different styles I have done  and where they are living now 

 Australians by and large are an outdoorsy happy bunch from diverse ethnicity and this is reflected in our choices and styles.  
 Instead to transporting an entire imported look into the Australian bungalow all that's needed is a hint, A flavor of the past or place infused into a personal space. 
This is where the signature chair or piece has a place. With the style colour and design of a single chair or fabric its possible to maintain that connection to the past or place without importing the look wholesale
I do have to get better at photos, the grey room with its bold bright print  has the sofa and carpet the same shade of grey but the tones look different in this photo ..there is still a few pieces to come before the room is finished

The red room looks a little heavy but that is because the white walls are not seen in the photo, this is just one corner of the room with native artifacts.

All the chairs, the ottoman, the wall frames and cushions were done by me ..none were bought  commercially ...(other than the grey sofa ) all the arm chairs were found on the street or in garage sales ...