Saturday, January 1, 2011

a trip to turkey

    I 've  packed the compressor away  as I'm off to see a friend in Turkey then on to Spain for a few weeks
Its my very first Holiday holiday since I started working for myself,( self employed.  Now there's an oxymoron ..)
when you start working for yourself you work for everyone  but yourself ..The bank ..The taxman ..The customers.  There is no time for self in self employed... .You squeeze a little in here and a in little there ....but I wouldn't change it. I love what I do ..and there in lies the rub .. I chose this. ...So I work harder at it ..but I can also mix it up .. I have to be here in the store  (which is in a warehouse )..but I don't always have to do store work. As long as the customers are looked after and happy ..and you do need to look after them as they bring in the honey.... I can find time to "play" with my finds !!!
this mess
..And  now I have a friend who has been bitten by the bug ,and is on the look out for throw outs in her area to work on ..she comes over on wednesdays once a fortnight and we have "upholstery day" ..

Became this little beauty
 Its a victorian slipper chair

Here is one of her  finds ..this was her first and she did buy it at an auction ..she has since learnt thats not the only way..

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